4 Reasons Your Blog Isn’t Being Read

Confused man computer blog help

Let’s face it. Views are the name of the game when it comes to blogging. Nothing is cooler than being able to say, “I got 18,000 views on my last post.” Of course, getting to that level of writing takes a long, long time and a lot of perseverance. But even if you have a small blog like mine, averaging 115 views per post, you can still usually tell if your views are starting to decline.

This can be seen in a few ways. Firstly, you might see a decline in your average daily views. Last month, my blog averaged about 85 views per day. Not terrible, not amazing, but pretty much average. That took almost a solid year of work just to reach in the first place. If, for example, I checked my average next month and found that I only averaged 60 views per day, warning bells would go off in my head. Obviously, something would be wrong, and I would attempt to find an answer.

Another way to tell this is by looking at your comments/likes on a post. My posts average 21 likes and 17 comments, and I can usually tell if one is above or below average at a glance. If it’s below average, I’ll start thinking- is it the time I published? Did I offend someone? There’s almost always an answer.

Finally, the last way to tell if your blog is losing readers is by looking at your average post views. My average post gets around 100 views after about a week, since some readers can take a bit of time to read them. Of course, if you’re publishing wintergreen content on a regular basis (content that could be read in ten years), your readers will continue coming back, making this statistic irrelevant. If you, like me, publish half-wintergreen content, now is the time to check your average post views. You can do so by clicking the WordPress stats panel, clicking “Months” to show your monthly statistics, and scrolling down. Under “Posts & Pages”, you will find your posts ranked by views, highest to lowest. This can be a fantastic indicator of which posts do better than others. If my Africa posts were towards the bottom of the spectrum, and my SEO posts were nearer to the top, what does this say? Obviously, some posts are read more then others.

There is, of course, a way to troubleshoot this. But before we get to this, let’s take a look at four reasons your views are declining in the first place.

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Throwback Saturday: WordPress Content

WordPress Content Africa Boy

Content. Isn’t that a word that we hear so often? In a world of decreasing creativity, content is king. The best bloggers find ways to constantly create new content, publishing dozens of unique posts a year. In fact, the #1 defining feature between low-level bloggers and high-level bloggers is content.

The most common blog-related questions I receive have to do with content. After all, it’s hard to consistently come up with content, isn’t it? Well, here are three ways you can easily come up with new content prior to writing your post.

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WordPress Free Plan Tutorial 2: Off-Page SEO

SEO Search Engine Optimization Africa Boy Off page

Last week saw the publication of one of Africa Boy’s longest posts, a near 2,000 word article on the subject of on-page SEO. The post covered nearly every piece of on-page SEO, including internal linking, title tags, and image optimization. If you haven’t read this post, be sure to read it by clicking here. On-page SEO is the easiest way to manually control your websites rankings, so if you haven’t read this highly informative post, you should make sure to check it out.

Off-page SEO deals with just that- the parts of Search Engine Optimization that are not found within your page. They cannot be manually controlled but must be worked for and developed naturally. Thankfully, users on the WordPress free plan can use all of these tricks as they don’t apply to a website’s customization options. If you are on the WordPress free plan, your full focus should be upon off-page SEO.

But what is off-page SEO? Neil Patel, owner of NP Digital and creator of the fantastic tool Ubersuggest, describes it perfectly.

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WordPress Free Plan Tutorial 1: On-Page SEO

WordPress Free Plan Tutorial Africa Boy Computer

On page SEO is one of the most tricky (yet rewarding) SEO fundamentals. Without a base in On-Page work, your site won’t get very far. So, before you go off ready to conquer unknown places and acquire “backlink juice”, slow down and pour yourself a cup of coffee, because this is going to be fun.

Now, because this is a WordPress Free Plan tutorial, there will only be so much we can do. If you haven’t paid for the business plan, certain options will be locked by WordPress, unusable and useless. However, there are still some awesome things we can do to help our sites rank higher on Google. Let’s dive in.

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4 WordPress SEO Practices to Begin For 2020

SEO Search Engine Optimization Africa Boy

2020 has arrived. And with it, a new wave of SEO updates has emerged. Last year, we saw a massive update to the industry, penalizing specific sites and sometimes giving others near-overnight fame. When Google releases an update, people watch out. Usually, they release one every so often, so who knows what the future holds for SEO experts and digital marketers?

To combat the constant Google updates, we need to keep up with new information. What may have worked for websites back in 2005 will get you penalized in 2020. If people don’t get with the times and learn the new practices that work, they will never see exponential growth in their websites.

If you are one of those people, don’t worry. There is always time to learn and grow. If you begin to implement these tactics into your site now, you should see a large growth in traffic. Make sure to do them correctly and, if need be, consult experts such as Neil Patel if you need help.

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